Hospitality Fire Protection

Hospitality Fire Protection The varying needs of hospitality customers mean that fire safety should be a top priority. At GOA VISION, we are a leading provider of hospitality fire protection services throughout South Sudan. From pubs, restaurants and hotels to guest houses, self catering properties and bed and breakfasts (B&Bs), our wide client base hasRead More

Hotel Fire Protection

Owning and operating a hotel means you are responsible for the safety and comfort of guests and staff alike. While there are plenty of things to consider, from the cleanliness of rooms to the quality of catering, ensuring your hotel is protected against fire and you’re fully prepared for the outbreak of a fire shouldRead More

Gym and Leisure Center Fire Protection

Used by people the world over for relaxation and exercise alike, leisure centres contain a variety of machines and rooms that serve different purposes. From swimming pools to cafeterias and badminton courts, fire safety measures must be in place in each and every space in a leisure centre. GOA VISION offers fire protection services forRead More

Office Fire Protection

When working in an office, the safety of your staff and visitors should be a priority. Whether you’ve a small office with a handful of employees, or a large premises with too many staff to count, the attention to detail regarding fire safety should remain at the same high standard. From fire safety equipment toRead More

Public Sector Fire Protection

If you own or operate a public sector company, or you manage a public sector company’s premises, then you’ll know of the safety standards that you’re expected to maintain. The safety of your staff and visitors is of the utmost importance – for their peace of mind and health as well as your legal requirements.Read More

Retail Fire Protection

If you’re the owner or operator of a retail building, then you’ll be aware of your various responsibilities in regards to the safe and efficient management of your property. The busiest retail environments have thousands of people passing through every day, and they will expect your premises to be safe. Your property needs to beRead More